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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Visual Basic 6.0 Error Solution

Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language that is being demonstrated and with the tools that are used to create and to debug procedures. Microsoft support engineers can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific requirements.

Return without GoSub (Error 3)

A Return statement does not have a corresponding GoSub statement. Unlike For...Next, While...Wend, and Sub...End Sub, which are matched at compile time, GoSub and Return are matched at run time. 

Invalid procedure call (Error 5)

An argument probably exceeds the range of permitted values. For example, the Sin function can only accept values within a certain range. Positive arguments less than 2147483648 are accepted, while 2147483648 generates this error. 

This error may also occur if an attempt is made to call a procedure that is not valid on the current platform. For example, some procedures may only be valid for the Macintosh, or for Microsoft Windows, and so forth. 

Overflow (Error 6)

Possible causes for this error are: 

  • The result of an assignment, calculation, or data type conversion is too large to be represented within the range allowed for that type of variable.

  • An assignment to a property exceeds the maximum value the property can accept.

Out of memory (Error 7)

More memory was required than is available or a 64K segment boundary was encountered. To prevent this error, try the following: 

  • Close any unnecessary applications, documents, or source files that are in memory.
  • If you have extremely large modules or procedures, consider breaking them into smaller ones. This procedure doesn't save memory, but it can prevent hitting 64K segment boundaries.
  • If you are running Microsoft Windows in standard mode on an 80386 or 80486 computer, try running it in enhanced mode.
  • If you are running Microsoft Windows in enhanced mode, free up some disk space, or at least ensure that some space is available.
  • Eliminate terminate-and-stay-resident (tsr) programs.
  • Eliminate unnecessary device drivers.
  • Reduce the number of global variables.

Subscript out of range (Error 9)

You have referenced a nonexistent array element or collection member. The subscript may be larger or smaller than the range of possible subscripts, or the array may not have dimensions assigned at this point in the application. 

Duplicate definition (Error 10)

This error usually occurs only when generated from code, as in the following example:
Error 10

However the error may also occur if you try to use ReDim to change the number of elements of a fixed-size array. For example, in the following code, the fixed array FixedArr is received by SomeArr in the procedure NextOne, then an attempt is made to resize SomeArr: 

   Sub FirstOne

   Static FixedArr(25) As Integer   ' Create a fixed-size array
      NextOne FixedArr()            ' and pass it to another sub.

   End Sub

   Sub NextOne(SomeArr() As Integer)

   ReDim SomeArr(35)   ' Duplicate definition occurs here.
   . . .
   End Sub

Division by zero (Error 11)

The value of an expression being used as a divisor is zero. Check the spelling of variables in the expression. A misspelled variable name can implicitly create a numeric variable that is initialized to zero. Check previous operations on variables in the expression, especially those passed into the procedure as arguments from other procedures. 

Type mismatch (Error 13)

Possible causes for this error are: 

  • The variable or property is not of the correct type. For example, a variable that requires an integer value can't accept a string value.
  • An object has been passed to a procedure that is expecting a single property or value.
  • A module or project name was used where an expression was expected, for example:

    Debug.Print MyModule
  • You attempted to mix traditional Basic error handling with variant values having the Error subtype (10, vbError); for example:
  • Error CVErr(n)

    A CVErr value can't be converted to Date or numeric types (Integer, Long, and so on); for example:

    MyVar = CInt(CVErr(9))

    At run time, this error typically indicates that a Variant used in an expression has an incorrect subtype, or that a Variant containing an array appeared in a Print statement.

Out of string space (Error 14)

Your system may have run out of memory, which has prevented a string from being allocated. Similarly, expressions requiring that temporary strings be created for evaluation may be causing this error. For example, the following code will cause an Out of string space error: 

     MyString = "Hello"
       For Count = 1 To 100
     MyString = MyString & MyString
     Next Count

Visual Basic lets you allocate a string with a maximum length of 65,535 characters. However, in executing statements at run time, the host application needs to use some string space for overhead. The amount of overhead varies among hosts, but should not exceed 50 bytes. If you need to allocate a string of the maximum length your host can support, reduce the string size by 50 bytes, then increase the length incrementally until this error is generated again. The value immediately preceding the error represents the host's maximum string length. 

   Dim MyString As String * 65485
                      ' Start with (65535-50).
                      ' On successive runs, increment
                      ' length until "Out of string
                      ' space" error occurs.

   Sub MySub
        MyString = "string" ' Error occurs here when the
   End Sub                  ' maximum length is exceeded.

String formula too complex (Error 16)

A string expression is too complicated. Strings not assigned to variables (such as those returned by functions) are assigned to temporary locations during string expression evaluation. Having a large number of these strings can cause this error. Try assigning these strings to variables and use the variables in the expression instead. 

Can't perform requested operation (Error 17)

The requested operation can't be performed because it would invalidate the current state of the project. For example, the error occurs if you use the References dialog box (on the Tools menu, click Rererences) to add a reference to a new project or object library while a program is in break mode. 

User interrupt occurred (Error 18)

A CTRL+BREAK or other interrupt key has been pressed by the user. 

Resume without error (Error 20)

A Resume statement has been encountered, but it is either outside the error handler code, or it was encountered while there was no error-handling routine active. 

Out of stack space (Error 28)

Possible causes for this error are: 

  • Too many active Function or Sub calls. Check that general recursive procedures are not nested too deeply and that they terminate properly.
  • Local variables require more local variable space than is available. Try declaring some variables at the module level instead. You can also declare all variables in the procedure static by preceding the Property, Sub, or Function keyword with Static. Or, you can use the Static statement to declare individual static variables within procedures.
  • Fixed-length strings use more stack space than variable-length strings. Try redefining some of your fixed-length strings as variable-length strings.
  • Too many nested DoEvents statements.
Use the Calls dialog box to view which procedures are active (on the stack). To display the Calls dialog box, select the button to the right of the Procedures box in the Debug window. 

Sub or function not defined (Error 35)

A Sub, Function, or Property procedure is called but is not defined. 

Possible causes for this error are: 

  • You have misspelled the name of your procedure.
  • The specified procedure is not visible to the calling procedure. Procedures declared Private in one module can't be called from procedures outside the module. If Option Private Module is in effect, procedures in the module are not available to other projects. Choose Find from the Edit menu to locate the procedure.
  • You have declared a dynamic-link library (DLL) routine, but the routine is not in the specified library.

Error in loading DLL (Error 48)

The specified dynamic-link library (DLL) can't be loaded. This is usually because the file specified with the Lib clause in the Declare statement is not a valid DLL. 

Possible causes for this error are: 

  • The file is not DLL-executable.
  • The file is not a Microsoft Windows DLL.
  • The file is an old Microsoft Windows DLL that is incompatible with Microsoft Windows protect mode.
  • The DLL references another DLL that is not present.
  • The DLL or one of the referenced DLLs is not in a directory specified by your path.

Bad DLL calling convention (Error 49)

Your program is calling a routine in a dynamic-link library (DLL) that either is being passed the wrong type or number of arguments or does not use the Pascal calling convention. Make sure that the arguments passed to the DLL routine exactly match the arguments expected by the routine. If the DLL routine expects arguments by value, then make sure ByVal is specified for those arguments in the declaration for the routine. 

Internal error (Error 51)

An internal malfunction has occurred in Visual Basic. Unless this call was generated by the Error statement, contact Microsoft Product Support Services to report the conditions under which the message appeared. 

Bad file name or number (Error 52)

A statement refers to a file with a file number or file name that is: 

  • An invalid name or number
  • Not specified in the Open statement
  • Specified in an Open statement, but has since been closed
  • Out of the range of file numbers (1-511)
In Microsoft Windows, use the following conventions for naming files and directories: 

  • The name of a file or directory can have two parts: a name and an optional extension. The two parts are separated by a period, for example,
  • The name can contain up to eight characters, and the extension can contain up to three characters.
  • The name must start with either a letter or number. It can contain any uppercase or lowercase (file names are not case-sensitive) characters except the following:

       Character     Description
        .           Period
        "           Quotation mark
        '           Single quotation mark (apostrophe)
        +           Plus sign
        /           Slash
        \           Backslash
        [ ]         Brackets
        :           Colon
        ;           Semicolon
        |           Vertical bar (pipe)
        =           Equal sign
        ,           Comma
  • The name should not contain any spaces. The following names are reserved and can't be used for files or directories: CON, AUX, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, PRN, and NUL. For instance, if you try to name a file PRN in an Open statement, the default printer will simply become the destination for Print #, and Write # statements directed to the file number specified in the Open statement.
  • The following are examples of valid Microsoft Windows file names:

  • On the Macintosh, a file can have any character except the colon (:), and may contain spaces. Null characters [Chr(0)] are not allowed in any file names.

File not found (Error 53)

Possible causes for this error at run time are: 

  • A statement (for example, Kill, Name, or Open) refers to a file that does not exist.
  • An attempt has been made to call a procedure in a dynamic-link library (DLL), but the library file name specified in the Lib clause of the Declare statement can't be found.
In the development environment, this error occurs if you attempt to open a project or load a text file that does not exist. 

Bad file mode (Error 54)

Possible causes for this error are: 

  • A Put or Get statement is specifying a sequential file. Note that Put and Get can only refer to files opened for Random access.
  • A Print # statement specifies a file opened for an access mode other than Output or Append.
  • An Input # statement specifies a file opened for an access mode other than Input.
  • Any attempt to write to a read-only file.

File already open (Error 55)

Possible causes for this error are: 

  • A sequential-output mode Open statement was executed for a file that is already open.
  • A statement (for example Kill, SetAttr, or Name) refers to an open file.

Device I/O error (Error 57)

An input or output error occurred while your program was using a device such as a printer or disk drive. 

File already exists (Error 58)

At run time, this error occurs when the new file name (for example, one specified in a Name statement) is identical to a file name that already exists. It also occurs when you use Save As to save a currently loaded project if the project name already exists. 

Bad record length (Error 59)

The length of a record variable for a Get or Put statement does not match the length specified in the corresponding Open statement. Because a two- byte descriptor is always added to a variable-length string Put to a random access file, the variable-length string must be at least two characters shorter than the record length specified in the Len clause of the Open statement. 

Variant data types also require a two-byte descriptor. Variants containing variable-length strings require a four-byte descriptor. Therefore, for variable-length strings in a Variant, the string must be at least 4 bytes shorter than the record length specified in the Len clause. 

Disk full (Error 61)

Possible causes for this error are: 

  • There is not enough room on the disk for the completion of a Print #, Write #, or Close operation.
  • There is not enough room on the disk to create required files.
To work around this situation, move some files to another disk, or delete some files. 

Input past end of line (Error 62)

An Input # or Line Input # statement is reading from a file in which all data has already been read or from an empty file. To avoid this error, use the EOF function (immediately before the Input # statement) to detect the end of file. 

Bad record number (Error 63)

The record number in a Put or Get statement is less than or equal to zero. 

Too many files (Error 67)

Possible causes for this error are: 

  • There is a limit to the number of disk files that can be open at one time. For Microsoft Windows, this limit is a function of the Files= setting in your CONFIG.SYS file. Increase that number and reboot.
  • The operating system has a limit to the number of files in the root directory (usually 512). If your program is opening, closing, or saving files in the root directory, change your program so that it uses a subdirectory.
  • On the Macintosh, the standard limit is 40 files. This limit can be changed using a utility to modify the MaxFiles parameter of the boot block.

Device unavailable (Error 68)

The device you are trying to access is either not online or does not exist. 

Permission denied (Error 70)

An attempt was made to write to a write-protected disk or to access a locked file. For example, this error will occur if an Open For Output statement is performed on a write-protected file. 

Disk not ready (Error 71)

There is either no disk in the drive specified or the drive door is open. Insert a disk in the drive, close the door, and retry the operation. 

Can't rename with different drive (Error 74)

You can't use the Name statement to rename a file with a new drive designation. Use FileCopy to write the file to another drive, and delete the old file with a Kill statement. 

Path/File access error (Error 75)

During a file- or disk-access operation (for example, Open, MkDir, ChDir, or RmDir), the operating system could not make a connection between the path and the file name. 

Make sure the file specification is formatted correctly. A file name can contain a fully-qualified or relative path. A fully-qualified path starts with the drive name (if the path is on another drive) and lists the explicit path from the root to the file. Any path that is not fully qualified is relative to the current drive and directory. This error can also occur while attempting to save a file that would replace an existing read-only file. 

Path not found (Error 76)

During a file- or disk-access operation (for example, Open, MkDir, ChDir, or RmDir), the operating system was unable to find the specified path. The error also occurs in the debugging environment if you attempt to open a project or insert a text file with an invalid path. Make sure the path is typed correctly. 

Object variable not set (Error 91)

You are attempting to use an object variable that is not yet referencing a valid object, or one that has been set to Nothing. Specify or respecify a reference for the object variable. For example, if the Set statement were omitted in the following code, an error would be generated: 

   Dim MyObject As Object     ' Creates object variable.
   Set MyObject = Sheets(1)   ' Creates valid object reference.
   MyCount = MyObject.Count   ' Assigns Count value to MyCount.

For Loop not initialized (Error 92)

You've jumped into the middle of a For...Next loop. Placing labels inside a For...Next loop is not recommended. 

Invalid pattern string (Error 93)

The pattern string specified in the Like operation of a search is invalid. A common example of an invalid character list expression is [a-b , where the right bracket is missing. 

Invalid use of Null (Error 94)

You are trying to obtain the value of a variant variable or an expression that is Null. Null is a variant subtype used to indicate that a data item contains no valid data. For example: 

   MyVar = Null
   For Count = 1 To MyVar
   . . .
   Next Count

Can't load module; invalid format (Error 323)

The module you attempted to load is not a text module. Some versions of Visual Basic permit you to save code in both binary and text formats. If possible, reload the file in the application in which it was last saved and save it as text. This error code applies to Microsoft Excel for Windows 95, version 7.0 only. 

Property or method not found (Error 423)

Object.method or is referred to, but method or property is not defined, or you may have misspelled the name of the object. To see what properties and methods are defined for an object, choose the Object Browser from the View menu. Select the appropriate library and object to display available properties and methods. 

Object required (Error 424)

You have referred to an object property or method, but have not provided a valid object qualifier. 

Class doesn't support OLE Automation (Error 430)

The object specified in the GetObject or CreateObject function call was found, but has not exposed a programmability interface. Therefore you can't write code to control this object's behavior. Check the documentation of the application that created the object for limitations on the use of OLE Automation with this class of object. 

Object doesn't support this property or method (Error 438)

This method or property does not exist for this OLE automation object. See the object's documentation for more information on the object and to check the spellings of properties and methods. 

OLE Automation error (Error 440)

An error occurred while executing a method or accessing a property of an object variable. The error was reported by the application that created the object. 

Object doesn't support this action (Error 445)

This method or property is not supported by this object. See the object's documentation for more information on the object and to check the spellings of properties and methods. 

Object doesn't support named arguments (Error 446)

Arguments can only be specified by position when performing methods on this object. See the object's documentation for more information on argument positions and types. 

Object doesn't support current locale settings (Error 447)

The object you are attempting to access does not support the locale setting for the current project. For example, if your current project has the locale setting Canadian French, the object you are trying to access must support that locale setting. Check which locale settings the object supports. 

Also note that the object may rely on national language support in a dynaminc-link library (DLL), for example OLE2NLS.DLL. If so, you may need a more recent version that supports the current project locale. 

Named argument not found (Error 448)

You specified a named argument, but the procedure was not defined to accept an argument by that name. Check the spelling of the argument name. 

Argument not optional (Error 449)

The number and types of arguments must match those expected. For instance, the Left function requires two arguments, the first representing the character string being operated on, and the second representing the number of characters to return from the left side of the string. Because neither argument is optional, both must be supplied. 

An argument can only be omitted from a call to a user-defined procedure if it was declared Optional in the procedure declaration. 

Wrong number of arguments (Error 450)

The number of arguments in the call to the procedure was not the same as the number of arguments expected by the procedure. Check the argument list in the call against the procedure declaration. 

Object not a collection (Error 451)

You have specified an operation or property that is exclusive to collections, but the object is not a collection. Check the spelling of the object or property name, or verify that the object is a collection. 

Invalid ordinal (Error 452)

Your call to a dynamic-link library (DLL) indicated to use a number instead of a procedure name, using the #num syntax. However, an attempt to convert the expression num to an ordinal failed, or the num specified does not specify any function in the DLL. Check to make sure the expression represents a valid number, or call the procedure by name. 

Specified DLL function not found (Error 453)

The dynamic-link library (DLL) in a user library reference was found, but the DLL function specified was not found within the DLL. An invalid ordinal may have been specified in the function declaration. Also, the DLL may have the right name but is not the version that contains the specified function. 

Code resource not found (Error 454)

A call was made to a procedure in a code resource, but the code resource could not be found. This error can only occur on the Macintosh operating system. 

Code resource lock error (Error 455)

A call was made to a procedure in a code resource. The code resource was found, but an error occurred when an attempt was made to lock the resource. Check for an error returned by HLock (for example, "Illegal on empty handle" or "Illegal on free block"). This error can only occur on the Macintosh operating system. 

[Object] does not have [property name] property (Error 1000)

The property does not exist for this object. To see a list of properties for this object, choose Object Browser from the View menu, and click the question mark button in the Object Browser dialog box to display the Visual Basic Help topic for this object. 

[Object] does not have [method name] method (Error 1001)

The method does not exist for this object. To see a list of methods for this object, choose Object Browser from the View menu, and click the question mark button in the Object Browser dialog box to display the Visual Basic Help topic for this object. 

Missing required argument [argument] (Error 1002)

The method expected a required argument that does not exist. Add the argument to the code. To see a list of required arguments, choose Object Browser from the View menu, and click the question mark button in the Object Browser dialog box to display the Visual Basic Help topic. 

Invalid number of arguments (Error 1003)

The method has the wrong number of arguments. This usually occurs when you use comma-separated position arguments (instead of named arguments), and you have too many arguments. 

To see the valid arguments for this method, choose Object Browser from the View menu, and click the question mark button in the Object Browser dialog box to display the Visual Basic Help topic for this method. 

[Method name] method of [object] class failed (Error 1004)

An external error occurred, such as a failure to read or write from a file. The method cannot be used on the object. Possible reasons include the following: 

  • An argument contains a value that isn't valid. A common cause of this problem is an attempt to access an object that doesn't exist [for example, you tried to use Workbooks(5) when there were only three workbooks open].
  • The method cannot be used in the applied context. For example, some Range object methods require that the range contain data; if the range doesn't contain data, the method fails.
  • An external error occurred, such as a failure to read or write from a file.
For more information about the method, search Help for the method name.

Unable to set the [property name] property of the [object] class (Error 1005)

The property cannot be changed. Possible reasons include the following: 

  • The value you're using for the property isn't valid (for example, you set a property to a string value, but the property requires a Boolean value).
  • The property is read-only and can not be written to.

Unable to get the [property name] property of the [object] class (Error 1006)

The property cannot be changed. Possible reasons include: 

  • The value you are using for the property is not valid; for example, setting a property to a string value when the property requires a Boolean value.
  • The property cannot be used in the applied context. For example, the code ActiveChart.Legend.Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) will cause this error if the active chart does not contain a legend.


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

how to impress a girl ? --- tips

Formula 1
Hamesha Ladki ke aankho se aankhen milakar hi baat kare, isse Ladkiyan impress hoti hai.
Formula 2
Ladkiyon se jab bhi mile ek pyaari si smile jarur kare.
Formula 3
Hamesha unki help ke liye taiyaar rahe.
Formula 4
unka Birth day kabhi naa bhule aur unhe koi Beautiful gift jarur de, yaa ek Rose.
Formula 5
uus par kabhi bhi gussa na kare, Hamesha pyaar se hi pesh aaye.
Formula 6
Ladkiyan Shayari pasand karti hai, isliye aksar unhe unki khubsurti par koi Shayari sunate rahe, aisa karte rahne se wo aapke pyaar me pagal ho jayegi.
Formula 7
unse hamesha achche Dress me hi mile, yaad rakhe aap ko bhi attractive dkhna padega.
Formula 8
agar aap ek hi class me hai to unko Study me yaa Notes banane me Help karte rahe, aisa karne se aap unke aur bhi karib aate jaenge.
Formula 9
Aap jab bhi unse mile unhe Hi yaa Hello yaa Shake hand karna na bhule, isse apna pan badata jaega.
Formula 100
Ladkiyon ko Good personality wale Ladke bahut achche lagte hai, issliye koi achchi si Gym me exercise kar apni Body ko attractive banaye. isse Ladkiyan aapko dekhte hi impress ho jaengi.
Formula 11
Agar aapke pass cell phone hai aur us ladki ke paas bhi ( jise aap patana chahte hai), to aksar usko Funny SMS yaa Love SMS yaa Friendship SMS bhejte rahe. aisa karne se aap unki yaado me bane rahenge.
Formula 12
Friendship aur Valentines day ko unhe hamesha wish kare aur ek Pyara sa Gift jarur de. aisa karna najdiki badane ke liye bahut jaruri hai.
Formula 13
Ladkiyon se hamesha Romantic mood me hi baat kare, aise baat kare jisse unhe lage ki aap ko unse baat karke bahut hi maza aa raha hai.
Formula 14
Hamesha unko Respect de, isse aap unki nazaron me ek achche Ladke bane rahenge, jo Ladki patane ke liye bahut hi jaruri hai.
Formula 15
Ladkiyon se kabhi mat sharmaiye, Maximum Ladki sharmile Ladko ko pasand nahi karti hai, issliye hamesha frankly unse mile.
Apni Personality perfect rakhne ke liye hamesha chust durust dikhe, na ki sust yaa kaamchor. Ladkiyan furtile Ladko ko hi pasand karti hai.
Formula 17
agar Ladki Filmo ki shaukin hai to usse aksar Film ke hi bare me baate kare, isse wo aapse apni feeling bantkar khush aur impress hongi.
Formula 18
aap apne din ki shuruwat unhe ek mast Good Morning SMS bhejkar karen.
Formula 19
Raat ko sone se pahle ek Pyara sa Good Night SMS bhejkar bhi aap unhe impress kar sakte hai.
Formula 20
Ladkiyon se usi topic par baat-chit karo jis me use baat karne me maza aaye, isse wo aapse bahut samay tak baat kar sakti hai. aur aapki Dosti Pyar me bhi badal sakti hai.
Formula 21
Ladkiyon ke samne hamesha apna Cina taan kar chale, aisa karne se Mardangi jhalkti hai aur Ladkiyan Mardon ko hi pasand karti hai.
Formula 22
Ladkiyan darpok ladko ko pasand nahi karti hai issliye aap darna chhod de aar Ladkiyon se ek nidar ki tarah react kare.
Formula 23
agar Ladki aapse kuch mange to use jarur pura karne ki koshish kare, isse Ladkiyan aapse itni impress hongi jiski aap imagine bhi nahi kar sakte.
Formula 24
Unke Birth day par sabse pehle aap wish kare, isse wo aapko kabhi nahi bhul payengi.
Formula 25
Hamesha unse kisi na kisi bahane milte rahe, isse aap unki nazaron aur yaado me aksar bane rahenge.
Formula 26
unhe Dinner ya Lunch ke liye offer kare, ager wo agree ho jaye to unke pasand ke hotel me unke pasand ki dish order kare. wo turant aap par fida ho jayegi.
Formula 27
Ladkiyon se pehle Dosti karo baad me unse apne Dil ki baat kahna, Pyar ke mamle me patience se kaam le.
Formula 28
jab wo aap se baat kare to unki baato ko unki aankon me aankhen dalkar dhyanpurvak sune.
Formula 29
Agar Ladki aapki neighbor ho to roz subah unko dekhte hi Good Morning jarur kahe.
Formula 30
Agar Ladki aapki Class met ho to unse shake hand jarur kare.
Formula 31
Agar aap unke sath antakhari khele to unko target karke Loveable song jarur gaye.
Formula 32
Agar wo aapse raste par Lift mange to aap use jarur de, aur aise react kare jaise aap bahut jaruri kaam se ja rahe the Lekin unke liye aapne jaruri kaam chhod kar unhe Lift di, isse wo aap se Impress hue bina nahi rah sakegi aur aap use aasani se pata lenge.
Formula 33
agar wo koi problem me ho to sabse pehle unki help ke liye aap pahuche, ye Ladki patane ke liye jaruri sabak hai.
Formula 34
Ladkiyan bahut emotional hoti hai isliye unki emotion ki hamesha sammaan kare.
Formula 35
agar Ladki koi bhari kaam kar rahi hai to aap unki madad jarur kare. kaam me hath batane se Pyar badata hai.
Formula 36
agar School/College me unki Gaadi ka Petrol khatam ho gaya ho to aap apni Gaadi ka Petrol nikalkar jarur de.
Formula 37
unse hamesha hansi mazak karte rahe, Lekin ek limit me hi.
Formula 38
agar Ladki kahi paidal ja rahi ho to aap unhe apni Bike me Pahucha dene ka offer jarur kare, aisa impression jamane ke liye badiya mauka hai.
Formula 39
aap kisi Ladki ko bahut pyar karte hai to apni feeling ko Pink color ke paper par likhkar unhe jarur de, yaani unhe Love Letter likhe.
Formula 40
Maximum Ladkiyan Funny Ladke pasand karti hai, isliye aapko bhi Funny banana padega.
Formula 41
Jab bhi aap Ladkiyon se mile to unhe ek Mazedar Jokes jarur sunaye, yaa kuch Funny Shayari hi. (click here for Funny SMS & Funny Shayari Collection)
Formula 42
agar wo Morning walk karne jati hai to aap bhi uske sath sath walk karne jaye, subah ke mast mahaul me aap unse Mazedar baate kar unhe impress kar sakte hai.
Formula 43
agar unke paas cell phone hai to kisi bhi bahane unse Contact karte rahiye, aur SMS bhi bhejte rahiye. (click here for World’s largest collection of SMS)
Formula 44
agar unka tabiyat thik naa ho to unse milne jarur jaye, aur unka haal chaal jarur puche.
Formula 45
apne Birth Day me unhe invite karna na bhule, aur aaye to ye kahna “aap hi ka intzar kar raha tha, ab aap aa gai ho ab mai Cake katunga.
Formula 46
unke diye hue Gift ki tarif jarur kare, tarif karna Deep me Ghee dalne ke saman hai.
Formula 47
agar unka Mail ID aap jante ho to unko Mail karte rahe aur ye ehsas dilaye ki aap dinbhar unki hi khayalo me khoye rahte hai.
Formula 48
agar aap ko apne Padosan ko patana ho to unke ghar aate jate rahe aur jarurat padne par unki madad karte rahe.
Formula 49
agar Padosan ka bhai bhi hai to, Pehle uske bhai se Dosti karo, uske bhai ki nazaro me aap ek samajhdar Ladke ki tarah raho, isse aapka unke ghar aana jana laga rahega.
Formula 50
Har insan apni tarif sunana chahta hai, isliye aap Ladki ke har Chijo ki tarif karte rahe.
Formula 51
Ladkiyon se hamesha Confidence ke sath hi baat kare.
Formula 52
agar aap kisi Ladki ko Patana chahte hai to usse baat karne ki koshish kare. aur apni feeling ko kisi din Letter me likhkar unhe de do. isse Ladki aapke Himmat ki Kayal ho jayegi.
Formula 53
agar unka koi Nick name ho to aap unko Nick name se hi pukare. isse aap unko apne se lagenge.
Formula 54
Jab bhi aap unse mile to unko uske pasand ki Chocolate jarur de. Ladkiyon ke shauk pure karne se unko Patane me aasani hoti hai.
Formula 55
agar Ladki ice-cream khane ki shaukin ho to unko jarur isske liye offer karte rahe..
Formula 56
Ladkiyan agar group me ho to aap unhe (Jinhe Patana hai) hi dekhte rahe, aisa karne se wo bhi aap ke taraf attract ho jaegi.
Formula 57
agar aap kisi Ladki ko Propose karna chahte ho to, aap unka ek hath pakadkar unhe Red Rose dekar Propose kare. wo aap ka Proposal jarur accept kar legi.
Formula 58
unki har ada ki tarif jarur kare, wo jarur khush hongi.
Formula 59
Propose karna Mard ka kaam hai iss liye aap ye mat soche ki Ladki aakar aapko Propse karengi, Pahle aapko hi Propose karna hoga.
Formula 60
agar wo kabhi aapke ghar ke samne se gujre to use apne ghar jarur bulayen, aur Chaay ya Coffee jarur pilaye. isse wo aapke mehman navaji ki kayal ho jayegi.
Formula 61
agar aap unka ghar jante hai to Holi ke din uske ghar unke sath Holi khelne jana na bhule aur unke sath khub hansi mazak kare.
Formula 62
agar aap Party me kisi Ladki ko Patana chahte ho to, aap sabse pehle unse jakar mile aur apna Introduction de, isse dhire-dhire baat chit ka silsila shuru hoga aur aap use Pata lenge.
Formula 63
aap ki Padosan agar School/College jane ke liye nikal rahi ho to aap unke sang hole aur unse baat karte hue aap bhi jaye. aisa Continue 3 Dino tak kare aur 4th Din mat jana, wo 5th Din aapse jarur puchegi kal kyu nahi aaye. aur iss tarah mulakat se aap use Pata hi lenge.
Formula 64
Ladki Patane ke liye Confidence bahur hi jaruri hai isliye aap Pahle apne aap pe bharosa rakhiye ki aap use Pata kar hi Dumm lenge, aur aap apne Confidence ke bal par hi use Pata lenge.
Formula 65
Ladkiyan Patane ke liye apne aap me kuch quality paida kare, jaise Singing, Dancing, Body Building, Acting. quality hone se Ladki Patana bahut asan ho jata hai.
Formula 66
agar aap me koi buri aadat ho to use chhod de, bure Ladke pasand nahi kiye jate hai, isliye apni buri aadato ko chod de.
Formula 67
Ladkiyon ke samne kabhi bhi Smoking na kare aur na hi Drinking. ye baat hamesha yaad rakhe Ladkiyan Good Manners wale Ladko ko hi Pasand karti hai.
Formula 68
Ladkiyon ke samne kabhi bhi Gandi baate naa kare isse aapka unke samne ek bad boy ki image ban jaygi. aap unke samne Talented person ki tarah hi Behavior kare.
Formula 69
agar aap jante hai ki wo kis Film Hero ki Fane hai to aap usi Hero ke jaisi Hare Style rakhe aur usi ki tarah dikhne ki khoshish kare. Ladki aapse impress hogi hi.
Formula 70
aap hamesha unse sach bolne ki koshish kare, isse aap unhe sachche Ladke lagenge. jo ki impress karne ke liye jaruri hai.
Formula 71
aap unke prati hamesha vafadar rahe, har Ladkiyan ek vafadar sathi ki talash me rehti hai.
Formula 72
agar aapke makaan ke kiraye daar ko Patana ho to uske kuch mahine ka Kiraya maaf karde. isse aapki unse najdikiyan badengi. aur wo aapka ehsan mand ho jaengi
Formula 73
Ladkiyan hazirjawab Ladkon ko Pasand karti hai issliye aap hazirjawab dene wale person baniye.
Formula 74
Kai Ladkiyan filmo ki baate karna bahut pasand karti hai, aise Ladkiyon se aap unke pasand ki filmo ke baare me baate karke unhe impress kar sakte hai.
Formula 75
intelligent Ladko se Ladkiyan impress hoti hai issliye aap apni Study improve karke Ladkiyon ko impress kar sakte hai.
Formula 76
Ladkiyan Patane ke liye aapka General Knowledge Strong hona chahiye, GK Ladkiyon ko Patane me bahut hi Helpful hota hai.
Formula 77
Ladkiyan saaf suthri image wale Ladko ko Like karti hai issliye aap jhagde-jhanjhaton se dur hi rahe.
Formula 78
aap jis Ladki ko Patana chahte hai use agar koi pareshaan kar raha ho to aap us Ladki ki madad kare, isse wo Ladki aapse turant Pat jayegi.
Formula 79
agar wo koi khaas type ke Book read karne ki shaukin ho to aap use wo Book Gift kare (for exa. Comics, Film Magazines etc.). wo aapse jarur impress hongi aur aap unhe easily Pata lenge.
Formula 80
hamesha koi badiya Body Spray (Perfume) lagaya kare. aapke Body ki khushbu Ladkiyon ko aapki aur attract karegi
Formula 81
agar wo aapki kuch help kare to usse thanks jarur kahe. impression jamane ke liye ye chhoti-chhoti formalities bahut kaam aati hai.
Formula 82
agar aapke paas Bike ho to use hamesha saaf suthri rakhe, Ladkiyan Saaf suthri Bike me hi ghumna Pasand karti hai. issliye apne Bike ko attractive banaaye.
Formula 83
Aap Mobile set aisa rakhe jo aapki Personality ko suet kare. achhe Mobile set rakh kar Ladkiyon ko apni taraf attract kiya ja sakta hai.
Formula 84
apne cell phone ke wallpaper me unka Photo set kar ke rakhe, aur use dikhaye wo aapse jarur impress hongi.
Formula 85
aap kisi din unse ye kah kar ki “aap mujhe aapna autograph denge to ye meri khushnasibi hogi”. aap unka autograph mangkar unko impress kar sakte hai.
Formula 86
apne cell phone me koi Romantic Ring tone hi rakhe, Romantic Ring tone sunkar Ladkiyan jarur impress hoti hai. Ladkiyon ko Patane ke liye unhe impress karna bahut hi jaruri hai.
Formula 87
unke ghar ke paas se jab bhi gujre unhe dekhne ki koshish jarur kare. unhe ye ehsas dilana jaruri hai ki aap unme interest rakhte hai.
Formula 88
agar aap unse kahi mile aur unke sath me unke Parents ho to unke Paanv (charan) chhue. Ladki turant aapse impress hogi (agar Ladki JaanPehchan wali ho ussi condition me hi).
Formula 89
agar wo age me aapse chhoti ho phir bhi aap unse “AAP” kahkar hi baat kare. unhe lagna chahiye ki aap unka bahut respect karte hai.
Formula 90
unke sath kabhi bhi bahas nahi kare hamesha unki baat ka sath de. tabhi unko Pata sakte hai.
Formula 91
har Ladki apne Khubsurti ki tarif sunana chahti hai issliye aap unki khubsurti ka hamesha tarif karte rahe. ye Ladki Patane ka Super hit Formula hai.
Formula 92
aap unhe hamesha ye kahe ki wo Duniya ki sabse Beautiful Ladki hai. wo aap se hamesha khush rahegi aur easily set ho jayegi.
Formula 93
mere ek Dost ki 56 Girl Friend hai. usne un sabhi ko Patane ke liye jo Formula use kiya hai wo hai- “Ladkiyon se hamesha unke baare me hi baate karo”. wo hamesha Ladkiyon se unke hi baare me baate karte rahta tha aur Ladkiyan Pat gai.
Formula 94
unse kabhi bhi gandi baate na kare unse achhi baate hi kare, tabhi kamyabi milegi.
Formula 95
aap unse ye kahe ki aap unke liye kuch bhi kar sakte hai, wo aap se impress hogi hi.
Formula 96
Maximum Ladkiyan Clean shave kiye hue Ladko ko Like karti hai issliye sexy dikhne ke liye shave karte rahe.
Formula 97
Ladkiyon ko kabhi bhi ghur kar naa dekhe balki unhe hamesha Pyaar bhari nazaron se hi dekhe, Ladki aapki Diwani ho jayegi.
Formula 98
agar kabhi unke sath Film jane ka mauka mile to koi Romantic Film hi dekhne jaye, unke sath Romantic Film dekhi matlab Ladki Patti.
Formula 99
Ladkiyan apne Julfon (hair) ki tarif sunana Pasand karti hai, issliye unhe Patane ke liye unke Julfon par Shayari sunaye yaa tarif kare. (click here for Tarif Shayari)
Formula 100
aap unki sabhi baaton par agree kare unke kisi bhi baaton ko naa kaate, aap dono ke think milne ka ehsas dilakar bhi aap unhe aasani se Pata sakte hai.
Formula 101
aap unke sath hamesha unke baare me hi baate kare, aur unko special hone ka ehsas jarur dilaye, isse wo aapki Diwani ho jayegi
……..:::: :::::: best of luck :::::::::… ……